divendres, 2 de març del 2018


  • The assosiation of Cupra with Seat will be divide into two different brands. Seat will continue making him style of cars, and Cupra will make competition cars based on original Seat cars but with they're own brand.

Resultado de imagen de cupra
  • Last weekend I was in Figueres and I found an street artist that was doing music with an extrange instrument. The instrument was alike an a turtle shell. He was touchin dificult songs, like dubstep mixing the musical instrument with his beat box

Resultado de imagen de turtle shell musical instrument
the instrument that he was using

  • Once last month i saw the film Riddick It's a film that consists in a man who is in a special mision in the space, where they apear a strange type of aliens that kill everithing that moves. The film ends when they can afford a abandoned spae ship and they are going to scape, but a girl that was in love with Riddik died, and Riddick want to take revenge of that species of monsters.

  • Resultado de imagen de riddik

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